君子無所爭,必也射乎!Ralink,雷凌科技新企業識別系統end of header

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雷凌科技,Ralink Technology,知名IC設計公司,同時也是全球第三大Wireless LAN 晶片組供應商。2007年7月,適逢雷凌即將由興櫃轉上櫃,為提升其於投資市場的企業品牌能見度,雷凌決定委託買辦設計一全新的企業識別系統,希望藉由買辦在企業品牌上的實務經驗,協助雷凌成就世界級企業的品牌願景。





Ralink:Innovation Unlimited

In the ancient Greek, archery is a competition of sport, as well as a divine ceremony to those gods in the mythology. This is the originality of how archery became one of the competition events form thousand of years ago until the modern Olympic Games today. In addition, the archery is particularly underlining as the sportsmanlike spirit in terms of using courage and bravery to achieve the goal and to follow the rite of passage.

Ralink is perfectly applied to the archery. The acquirements to become archery need the proceeding steps as the followings: focus, path-goal, tension, patience, determination, and far reaching. There is a strong linkage and interpretation toward the concept between archery and Ralink: Ralink puts fully focus on the technology innovation; sets up an ultimate path-goal unto a global leadership position; tenses up the power in the force of archery. And the last step is to loose off the arrow to achieve the goal.

Standing at the global leadership position, Ralink has more responsibility to all customers. Not just being a solution provider and making sophisticated products, Ralink has devoted to the innovation and development as the mission that never ends, delivered the consistent reliability of quality as the promise to give. Ralink, with the precise eyes, powerful performance, and strong determinations, like the most distinguishing characters archery embedded within. From a full-scale, to a single manner. The archery, as the representation to the accomplished vision of Ralink, is directly relating to the course of change ever since it has been built up from scratch. Also, the spirit of archery strongly referred to Ralink’s corporate culture as a leading model in the industry. Ralink’s aspiration is attributing to the all the human beings. For the next generation’s high performance, and technical excellence and value.



當然除了品牌故事外,買辦也設計了一組以Archery為概念的全新雷凌企業識別系統;買辦以朱紅的毛筆筆觸,外加藍色的硬筆弧線,將射箭本身軟硬兼具,內外兼修,動靜皆宜的無形概念充分融合在有形的 Logo設計之內。

